# PURPOSE: This file distributes the Hp30 index and ap30 index of the geomagnetic Hpo index family # LICENSE: CC BY 4.0 # SOURCE: Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, please cite: # Yamazaki, Y., Matzka, J., Stolle, C., Kervalishvili, G., Rauberg, J., Bronkalla, O., Morschhauser, A., Bruinsma, S., Shprits, Y.Y., Jackson, # D.R., 2022. Geomagnetic Activity Index Hpo. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098860, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098860 # # Hp30 and ap30 # Hp30 and ap30 are produced by Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Both indices are unitless. # Described in: Yamazaki et al. (2022), see reference above. # Data publication: Matzka, J., Bronkalla, O., Kervalishvili, G., Rauberg, J. and Yamazaki, Y., 2022. Geomagnetic Hpo index. V. 2.0. GFZ Data # Services, https://doi.org/10.5880/Hpo.0002 # # Short file description (for a detailed file description, see Hpo_format.txt): # 30 header lines, all starting with # # ASCII, blank separated and fixed length, missing data indicated by -1.000 for Hp30 and -1 for ap30 # YYYY MM DD is date of UT day, hh.h is starting time in hours of interval for which Hp30 and ap30 are given # hh._m is mid time in hours of interval for which Hp30 and ap30 are given # days is days since 1932-01-01 00:00 UT to start of interval, days_m is days since 1932-01-01 00:00 UT to mid of interval # Hp30, ap30 # Currently always D = 0, reserved for future use. # # # # # # The format for each line is (i stands for integer, f for float): #iii ii ii ff.f ff.ff fffff.fffff fffff.fffff ff.fff iiii i # # The parameters in each line are: #YYY MM DD hh.h hh._m days days_m Hp30 ap30 D