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Hybrid of nowcast and definite values, simple ASCII format
- Kp and ap of the last 30 days, realtime
- Kp, ap, Ap, SN and F10.7 of the last 30 days, realtime
- Kp and ap since 1932, daily updated
- Kp, ap, Ap, SN and F10.7 since 1932, daily updated
Nowcast Kp, Ap, Cp
- current month incl. number of participating observatories as HTML, PDF,PS, realtime
- current month incl. Cp and C9 in WDC ASCII format, realtime
- current month in TAB ASCII format, realtime
- last month incl. number of participating observatories as HTML, PDF,PS, realtime
- last month incl. Cp and C9 in WDC ASCII format, realtime
- last month in TAB ASCII format, realtime
DOI-archive, monthly updated
- Definitive Kp, ap, Ap, Cp, C9 in WDC ASCII format, since 1932
- Nowcast Kp, ap, Ap, Cp, C9 in WDC ASCII format, since 2019
- International quiet and disturbed days in ASCII format, since 1932
- DOI website and directory with all data and format description
Hybrid of nowcast and definite Kp and ap values, simple ASCII format. The directory contains real time files, files with all values since 1932, year files, and files with ap and solar activity indices SN and F10.7
Definitive values, WDC ASCII format, monthly updated
Description see
Beschreibung der Internationalen Ruhigen und gestörten Tage siehe
Please note:
Most browsers do not support FTP any more.
To access the data via FTP you need an FTP client.
Please use "Passive" FTP-connection.
Web Service API
Use a web service client to load the data directly into your program. Provide the start time and end time and the index you want to download. Here we provide program snippets for Python and Matlab.
To program the client yourself, use the following example URL:
(time, index, status) = getKpData(starttime, endtime, index , ['def'])
- 'starttime' and 'endtime': date format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'
- The date and time here always refers to the start time of the time interval of the index.
- index selection ('Kp', 'ap', 'Ap', 'Cp', 'C9', 'Hp30', 'Hp60', 'ap30', 'ap60', 'SN', 'Fobs', 'Fadj')
- 'def' optional, output of definitive values only (only for Kp, ap, Ap, Cp, C9, SN)
[time, value, status] = getKpindex(starttime, endtime, index, ['def'])
- 'starttime' and 'endtime': date format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'
- The date and time here always refers to the start time of the time interval of the index.
- index selection ('Kp', 'ap', 'Ap', 'Cp', 'C9', 'Hp30', 'Hp60', 'ap30', 'ap60', 'SN', 'Fobs', 'Fadj')
- 'def' optional, output of definitive values only (only for Kp, ap, Ap, Cp, C9, SN)